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Tawazun Economic Council to Attend DSEI 2017 and Host Defence Contractors Council

By September 9, 2017June 26th, 2021No Comments

The Tawazun Economic Council (Tawazun), which is responsible for Tawazun Economic Program within the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will be attending Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) from 12 – 15 September 2017 at ExCel London, UK.

Tawazun Economic Council (Tawazun) is currently engaged in organizing the UAE Pavilion at the DSEI 2017 in London. It will feature several companies, promoting their Made in UAE products and services, including Nimr Automotive, Abu Dhabi Ship Building, Al Hosn Armoring Systems, International Golden Group, Atlas Telecoms and the National Defense Companies Council (NDCC).

The Pavilion will also hosts delegates from the UAE’s Ministry of Defense and the GHQ of the UAE Armed Forces.

In addition, Tawazun Economic Council (Tawazun) will be hosting its seventh Defense Contractors Council (DCC) meeting in London, which will be held on DSEI’s sidelines.

Addressing industry challenges and topics – both from within the UAE region and globally – experts from Tawazun will be providing their insights into topics such as skills/talent development, manufacturing and building a network for the future.

The meeting will focus on boosting international defence collaborations, and exchanging expert views.

In addition, the meeting will be a forum to share best practices in offset’s core principles including; economic diversification, foreign direct investments, technology transfer, fair trade, and joint co-operation between countries.

The session will provide attendees a platform to network and discuss the latest implemented projects and assess new partnership opportunities in the manufacturing and technology sector.

“DSEI is a great opportunity for the global defence industry to come together, sharing challenges, experience and expertise. We look forward to participating in this show and to learning about the latest solutions in defence and security,” commented Tareq Al Hosani, CEO of Tawazun Economic Council (Tawazun).

DSEI 2017 is one of the world’s leading defence events, bringing together defence and security professionals to innovate and share knowledge. With over 34,000 people set to attend, the event will be set across five key sector-focused zones: Air, Land, Naval, Security & Joint, all showcasing the latest equipment and systems.